субота, 12. април 2014.
What you can make with old jeans?
If you have torn jeans, do not throw them but fix them in this way.
Here is a great and chic way to dress up those jeans! Lace is hot for this time of year, so grab yours and your jeans and lets have some fun!
Materials: Jeans, scissors, scissors, needle and thread, and sandpaper
2. Now using sandpaper, tease the material to make it look a little old and frayed,
3. Now turn your jeans inside out,
4. Cut a piece of lace that will cover the hole in the jeans,
5. Now lay the lace on the jeans to cover the hole,
6. An now sew that, or you can using a sewing machine, and done! :)
Or you can do this with your jeans :)
If you are looking for a good and comfortable clothes, shorts jeans are the first choice for consideration.They are perfect for everyday wear, and if you combine them right, you can create a beautiful style that can make you look fashionable and trendy.The best way to wear short jeans is connected with light-colored tops and flat sandals .
First, decide how you want your jeans to be short-then decide what style you want to creat. Do you want to just add some spikes and studs, or some designs, such as in the figures below. All you need is an old jeans that you yourself shorten, or shorts, and buy these supplements, which are not at all expensive.
петак, 11. април 2014.
Highlight your face girl :)
Hi girls, There are lots of tutorials on how to format people, but I hope that this will just help a little bit.
As you can see the image below, there are pink and purple lines.
Pink is the place where you want to'' hide'' or darken areas of the face, and purple is the part that needs to stand out. When you want to hide some parts, generally using one or up to two shades darker than the color of your face. And when we talk about the expiring person was using a 1 or 2 colors that are lighter than the color of your face.
If you do not have a suitable makeup for this, since this * method * uses: contour and highligt-er, you can use eye shadow (brown, are best mat, of course, because I do not want to glow), and concealer for dark circles. I also "mold" person, and I am satisfied. :)
You can write me on my email irena1994@outlook.com :)
What foundation do you use?
Hi girls, I decided to write this blog in English, I hope it will help. :)
Very often wonder what foundation matches your skin type?
You're not alone, girls. Previous blog post that I published, talks about the presence of a person, and what is done after the expiration of people is putting powder.
Before placing the powder, apply a cream that is suitable for your face, and you can put an example.
What is what? It is a serum that is placed before the foundation that can provide the foundation better lie down, longer lasting, matte face, and while you face looks perfect ...
Then apply liquid foundation with a brush, sponge or fingers, as already commonly do.
Before placing the powder, the most important thing is to check what type of skin you have. There are several types:
Dry skin: If your skin flakes, and requires a special moisturizing cream or astringent after washing you, or your skin is dull, seems a bit harsh.
Normal skin: is one that does not require special care if you have a clean face powder and you do not need.
Mixed skin or combined: I think this guy belongs to most girls, is characterized by a zone "T", ie you have oily forehead, the chin, the skin on the nose is often great.
Problematic and oily skin: this is the kind of skin that involves a lot of problems with acne, scars, and the skin is too masti.Boja people often pale, the skin looks relaxed and has to show for comparison.
Sensitive skin: This is actually a skin condition, as can occur in all skin types. Features include: increased irritability, bro red in the sun, can bear the storm, the strsnim situations appear to be pimples.
Once you determine what type of your skin , the next in line to choose and powder . When buying powder and you have dry skin you are looking for the following things: rich, moisture, hydra, dewy finish ...If you are searching for oily skin where it says matte , oil free .. If you have a mixed skin , my advice is to look for powders for oily skin, because they are usually intended for mixed / greasy skin and is difficult to hold a powder oily skin at the site. If you have no major irregularities, use BB, CC and other tinted moisturizer ..
Powders that I use, and what would you recommend?
The first foundation that I've tried is Maybelline Affinitone in Tubici . The good side of this powder is a low price, a large number of shades of good coverage, and is not difficult , it contains vitamin E. A poor , said the dry areas of the face, and is happening, not to me personally, to oxidize that changes color. I used the 24 golden beige and dark beige 42 , when darkened . :) Here you can see the nuances . (Figure 1 ) in Figure 2 , have similar shades . As for Figure 3 I tried this powder . Enough is thicker and creamier than powders in Figure 1 , so if you find the right shade , I recommend . There's a good bottle and pump , so it is better that is more convenient than powders in Figure 1 What is important , there are now matte powders, which are veooooma good . A true and for mixed skin .
Very often wonder what foundation matches your skin type?
You're not alone, girls. Previous blog post that I published, talks about the presence of a person, and what is done after the expiration of people is putting powder.
Before placing the powder, apply a cream that is suitable for your face, and you can put an example.
What is what? It is a serum that is placed before the foundation that can provide the foundation better lie down, longer lasting, matte face, and while you face looks perfect ...
Then apply liquid foundation with a brush, sponge or fingers, as already commonly do.
Before placing the powder, the most important thing is to check what type of skin you have. There are several types:
Dry skin: If your skin flakes, and requires a special moisturizing cream or astringent after washing you, or your skin is dull, seems a bit harsh.
Normal skin: is one that does not require special care if you have a clean face powder and you do not need.
Mixed skin or combined: I think this guy belongs to most girls, is characterized by a zone "T", ie you have oily forehead, the chin, the skin on the nose is often great.
Problematic and oily skin: this is the kind of skin that involves a lot of problems with acne, scars, and the skin is too masti.Boja people often pale, the skin looks relaxed and has to show for comparison.
Sensitive skin: This is actually a skin condition, as can occur in all skin types. Features include: increased irritability, bro red in the sun, can bear the storm, the strsnim situations appear to be pimples.
Once you determine what type of your skin , the next in line to choose and powder . When buying powder and you have dry skin you are looking for the following things: rich, moisture, hydra, dewy finish ...If you are searching for oily skin where it says matte , oil free .. If you have a mixed skin , my advice is to look for powders for oily skin, because they are usually intended for mixed / greasy skin and is difficult to hold a powder oily skin at the site. If you have no major irregularities, use BB, CC and other tinted moisturizer ..
Figure 1. |
2. |
3. |
четвртак, 10. април 2014.
Koji puder ti koristiš?
Veoma često se pitate koji puder odgovara vašem tipu kože?
Niste jedine, devojke. Prethodni post odnosno blog koji sam objavila, govori o isticanju oblika lica, a ono što se radi posle isticanja lica jeste stavljanje pudera.
Pre stavljanja pudera namažite kremu, koja odgovara Vašem tipu lica, a možete staviti i primer.
Šta je primer? To je kao serum koji se stavlja pre pudera koji može da obezbedi da puder lepše legne, duže traje, matira lice, i pritom Vam lice izgleda savršeno...
Zatim nanesite tečni puder četkicom, sundjerom ili prstima, onako kako to već uobičajno radite.
Ima veliki broj pudera, tečni, penast, u kamenu, u prahu, u kuglicama itd, a moj savet je da koristite tečni.
Pre stavljanja pudera, ono što je najbitnije jeste da proverite kakav tip kože imate. Postoje nekoliko tipova:
- Suva koža: ukoliko Vam se koža peruta, i zahteva posebne kreme za hidrataciju, ili nakon umivanja Vas steže, ili vam je koža je bez sjaja, deluje pomalo grubo.
- Normalna koža: jeste ona koja ne zahteva posebnu brigu, ako imate cisto lice, puder Vam i ne treba.
- Mešovita koža ili kombinovana: mislim da ovom tipu pripada većina devojaka, karakteriše ga zona "T", tj imate masno čelo, bradu, koža na nosu je često sjajna.
- Problematična i masna koža: to je onaj tip kože koji podrazumeva dosta problema sa aknama, ožiljcima, a i koža se previše masti.Boja lica je često bleda, koža izgleda opušteno i ima vidiljive pore.
- Osetljiva koža: ovo je zapravo stanje kože, jer može da se javi u svim tipovima kože. Karakteristike su: povećana iritacija, bro crveni na suncu, loše podnosi nevreme, u strsnim situacijama pojavljuju se bubuljice.
Slika 1. |
Nakon što ste odredili koji je tip Vaše kože, sledeće na redu je da odaberete i puder. Pri kupovini pudera a imate suvu kožu tražite sledeće stvari: rich, moisture, hydra, dewy finish...Ukoliko vam je masna koža tražite gde piše matte, oil free..Ukoliko imate mešovitu kožu moj vam je savet da tražite pudere za masnu kožu, jer su najčešće oni namenjeni mešovitoj/masnoj koži i teško da će neki puder držati masnu kožu na mestu. Ukoliko nemate veće nepravilnosti, koristite BB, CC i ostale tonirane kreme..
Koje pudere ja koristim, i koje bih Vam preporučila?
Prvi puder koji sam probala jeste Maybelline Affinitone u tubici. Dobra strana ovog pudera je niska cena (oko 700din), veliki broj nijansi dobra pokrivenost, i nije težak, sadrži vitamin E. A loše, ističe suve delove lica, i dešava se, ne lično meni, da oksidira tj promeni boju. Ja sam koristila 24 golden beige, i 42 dark beige, kada potamnim. :) Ovde možete pogledati nijanse.(slika 1.) Na slici broj 2, imate slične nijanse. A što se tiče slike 3. Probala sam i ovaj puder. Dosta je gušći i kremastiji od pudere na slici 1., pa ako nađete odgovarajuću nijansu, preporučujem. Ima dobro bočicu i pumpicu, pa je bolji tj praktičnije od pudera na slici 1. Ono što je bitno, sada postoje i mat puderi, koji su veooooma dobri. A prave se i za mešovitu kožu.
Slika 3. |
Slika 2. |
Oblikovanje lica
Ćao devojke,
Postoje puno tutorijala o oblikovanju lica, ali nadam se da će Vam baš ovaj bar malo pomoći.
Kao što možete da vidite slike pored postoje roze i ljubičaste linije .
Roze je mesto gde želite da ''sakrijete'' ili potamnite delove lica, a ljubičasta jeste deo koji treba da istaknete. Kada želite da sakrijete neke delove, uglavnom koristite 1 ili do 2 nijanse tamnije boje od boje vašeg lica. A kada govorimo o isticanju lica, korisi se 1 ili 2 boje koje su svetlije od boje vašeg lica.
Ukolike nemate odgovarajuću šminku za ovo, pošto se za ovaj *postupak* koristi: contour i highligt-er, možete koristi senke za oči (braon boje, najbolje su mat, naravno, jer ne želite da sijate), kao i korktor za podočnjake. Ja tako "oblikujem" lice, i zadovoljna sam. :)
Postoje puno tutorijala o oblikovanju lica, ali nadam se da će Vam baš ovaj bar malo pomoći.
Kao što možete da vidite slike pored postoje roze i ljubičaste linije .
Roze je mesto gde želite da ''sakrijete'' ili potamnite delove lica, a ljubičasta jeste deo koji treba da istaknete. Kada želite da sakrijete neke delove, uglavnom koristite 1 ili do 2 nijanse tamnije boje od boje vašeg lica. A kada govorimo o isticanju lica, korisi se 1 ili 2 boje koje su svetlije od boje vašeg lica.
Ukolike nemate odgovarajuću šminku za ovo, pošto se za ovaj *postupak* koristi: contour i highligt-er, možete koristi senke za oči (braon boje, najbolje su mat, naravno, jer ne želite da sijate), kao i korktor za podočnjake. Ja tako "oblikujem" lice, i zadovoljna sam. :)
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